Celebrating PA Week

Celebrating PA Week

Celebrating PA Week: The Vital Role of Physician Extenders at Boston Orthopaedic and Spine Contact Us At Boston Orthopaedic and Spine, we take pride in the exceptional team of healthcare professionals who work tirelessly to provide top-notch care to our patients....
Why Does My Hip Hurt

Why Does My Hip Hurt

Why Does My Hip Hurt? Contact Us If you’re dealing with nagging hip pain that just won’t go away, you’re not alone.  Hip pain is an incredibly common complaint that affects people of all ages. The causes can range from muscle strains to arthritis....
Did I Really Rupture My Achilles Tendon

Did I Really Rupture My Achilles Tendon

Oh No! Did I Really Rupture My Achilles Tendon? Contact Us What does Achilles Tendon Rupture actually mean and what should I do about it?If you’re dealing with sudden pain, swelling, and stiffness in your heel or back of your ankle, you may have just ruptured...
Explaining Tennis Elbow

Explaining Tennis Elbow

Got Pain on the Outside of Your Elbow? It Could Be Tennis Elbow… Contact Us If you have pain near the bony bump on the outside of your elbow, you may have a condition commonly known as tennis elbow. But don’t let the name fool you – you certainly...
Attention: Starting January 1, 2024, Boston Orthopaedic & Spine will no longer stock viscosupplementation medication (such as Euflexxa, Orthovisc, etc). In the past, we had these medications in stock to accommodate insurances that did not require prior authorizations. Going forward, our physicians are happy to write prescriptions in which patients can send to local pharmacies to fill and bring to the office for our physicians to inject. Thank you!
Attention: Starting January 1, 2024, Boston Orthopaedic & Spine will no longer stock viscosupplementation medication (such as Euflexxa, Orthovisc, etc). In the past, we had these medications in stock to accommodate insurances that did not require prior authorizations. Going forward, our physicians are happy to write prescriptions in which patients can send to local pharmacies to fill and bring to the office for our physicians to inject. Thank you
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