Boston Orthopaedic & Spine

We have developed injury and surgery-specific therapy protocols designed to focus your recovery. Every injury and surgery is different, and the timelines provided are a suggestion. Please consult your physician before beginning any new program.





Hip Arthroscopy

Hip Replacement Guidebook >



    Trusted by Top Teams & Healthcare Institutions

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    Attention: Starting January 1, 2024, Boston Orthopaedic & Spine will no longer stock viscosupplementation medication (such as Euflexxa, Orthovisc, etc). In the past, we had these medications in stock to accommodate insurances that did not require prior authorizations. Going forward, our physicians are happy to write prescriptions in which patients can send to local pharmacies to fill and bring to the office for our physicians to inject. Thank you!
    Attention: Starting January 1, 2024, Boston Orthopaedic & Spine will no longer stock viscosupplementation medication (such as Euflexxa, Orthovisc, etc). In the past, we had these medications in stock to accommodate insurances that did not require prior authorizations. Going forward, our physicians are happy to write prescriptions in which patients can send to local pharmacies to fill and bring to the office for our physicians to inject. Thank you
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